C Programming Course

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C Programming Course [TAMIL]

What do we teach in this C ?

This course will help you to get started in the C programming language. By learning C, you will understand basic programming concepts. If you want to become a better developer, learning C is a great way to start!

  • Languages  : C
  • Recorded Videos : Available
  • Certificates will be provided.

The course teaches you about

  • Understand the fundamentals of the C Programming Language
  • Understand the core language that most modern languages are based on
  • Understand variables and the different data types
  • Make yourself more marketable for entry level programming positions
  • Learn one of the most popular, widly used languages in the world


Course Fees & Registration Details

  • Course Price  :   ₹999 /-

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Outcomes of the learning

  • If you have previously used the C programming language, then this course will deepen your understanding of it. If you have never used it, no problem, you will see that it can help you become a more efficient C developer.
  • You will understand variables and the different data types, be able to utilize functions and arrays, understand the  concept of pointers, learn about control flow (decision statements and iteration).
  • If you have previously used the C programming language, then this course will deepen your understanding of it. If you have never used it, no problem, you will see that it can help you become a more efficient C developer.

Why learn C ?

  • C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it.
  • Learning C can actually make you a better programming in other languages like C++, Java, or C# by equipping you with a mental model of what the computer is actually doing when you run your programs.
  • By learning how things really work "under the hood", and understand memory space, CPU architecture and so on, you can create more efficient programs, and obtain a huge advantage over other programmers in the process.

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